
Whether it is a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, a hospital, or a medical laboratory, the need for a hygienic, seamless flooring system remains the same. Universal has vast experience installing floor and wall coatings in a variety of facilities in the healthcare industry.


  • Hygienic

    By installing seamless systems that transition smoothly from floor to wall and even to the ceiling if needed, Universal guarantees there are no crevices for bacteria to build up. We also can use antimicrobial epoxies if desired for an extra layer of protection to ensure a hygienic environment.

  • Chemical Resistance

    Healthcare facilities require frequent cleaning and disinfection using harsh chemicals and cleaning agents. The epoxies we use are highly resistant to chemicals, including disinfectants, bleach, and common healthcare cleaning solutions. This resistance prevents damage to the floor and ensures that the flooring remains in optimal condition for the long term.

  • Durability

    Our flooring systems are built to last and will hold up over the long term in healthcare facilities. They can withstand heavy foot traffic, rolling loads, and the movement of medical equipment, such as beds, carts, and wheelchairs, without wearing down or sustaining damage. This durability reduces the need for frequent maintenance and replacement, resulting in cost savings for healthcare facilities.

  • Safety

    Safety is of the utmost importance in healthcare facilities and, at Universal, the safety of our clients is our top priority. That is why we install our flooring systems with non-slip aggregate where needed to ensure no workplace injuries occur. We also specialize in designing and installing 5S systems to increase organization and decrease the chances of an accident occurring in a healthcare facility.